Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trail Night Proposal Dialog

When presenting a proposal to a restaurant, I work very carefully on wording my presentation with restaurant dialog.  Look and listen to the staff’s lingo when at a restaurant:  “No substitutions”, “customers”, “private parties”, “discounts”, “coupons”, and “vendors” are just some of the words that are used in the restaurant industry.  When working on the proposal, make sure you use these words in your description of your services.  This will make it easier for the restaurant management to understand your proposal.  The purpose of this presentation or brochure is to “obtain a restaurant to entertain at.”

Learning the lingo of the restaurant industry is not difficult.  When at a restaurant, read the small print on the menu. When in the coatroom, read the liability signs or look at restaurant discount coupons.  All these documents have words that are common to the industry.  When going out with the family, make a game out of who can find the newest restaurant word.  Customizing your dialog for a specific industry will give you an edge over your competition and improve your restaurant sales skills.

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